Iwayaji Temple established in 715

Temples in Aichi, Japan

Iwayaji Temple is located in Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture. This temple was established in 715 by Gyoki Bosatsu who gave effort to establish Todaiji Temple with the Great Buddha of Nara in Nara Prefecture. Gyoki performed a ceremony to consecrate a newly made Buddhist statue of Avalokiteśvara.

In 807, Kukai also known as Kobo Daishi who established Shingon Sect visited Iwayaji Temple and liked this temple very much. After he established Kongobuji Temple on Mt. Koya, he visited Iwayaji Temple again and performed the Buddhist rite burning wooden sticks for 100 days. Then, he made housand-armed Avalokiteshvara with wooded stick ashes burned at the Buddhist rite and put into Buddhist statue of Avalokiteśvara. This was the principal image of Buddha in the inner sanctuary, currently located in the main hall.

In 1159, Shinran who established the Jodo-Shin Sect visited Iwayaji Temple and drew the Amitabha Tathagata in the Amida hall.

There is a hill at the back of Iwayaji Temple. There are statues of the 500 Rakans consecrated in 1820. In the top of the hill, there is a big Kobo Daishi Statue with height of 8.5m called Oya-Daishi. The statue is watching here and ships navigating on the Ise Bay. Underneath of the Oya-Daishi, you can step on sand of 88 temples of Shikoku, holy spots related to Kobo Daishi, which brings you good luck.

This temple is wide and there are many areas to see. You can enjoy there.


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