Aockey’s Profile

Aockey who is the owner of this web site is a person living in Yokohama, Japan. In the past, he spend about 6 years in the U.S.. One year in San Jose, CA, 2 years in Chicago, IL, and 3 years in Houston, TX. He enjoyed live houses of Chicago blues music when he lived in Chicago and stuffed pizza there. He also enjoyed flat state Texas with big steak and Space Center Houston and did NOT enjoy fire ants in the yard during summer. Sometimes, gas from skunk bothered him and his family.

After he came back from the U.S. to Japan, it seems that he is much interested in Japan Traditional Culture such as followings,

  • Old Temples with Buddha Statues of tatha-gata, bodhisattva, vidyaraja and deva
  • Old Shrines
  • Noh : The oldest theatrical art still existing in Japan and performed for about 670 years. This is a kind of a musical which actors sing and dance as some characters along with live musical instruments, Japanese flute and drums, and chorus.
  • World Heritages in Japan

Since he spent 6 years outside of Japan, it seems that he realized wonderfulness of Japanese culture and he wants to introduce such wonderfulness to overseas and opened this blog site.

He would be happy if many people from all over the world visit this site and get detailed information regarding wonderfulness of Japanese culture.

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