
Japanese Traditional Culture

Hokusai Museum in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture – 1

Hokusai Katsushika who is a famous ukiyo-e artist left colored woodblock print works, art manuals and original drawings ...
Japanese Temples

Phoenix Ceiling Paint by Hokusai Katsushika at Gansho-in Temple in Nagano Prefecture

Hokusai Katsushika is an internationally renowned ukiyo-e artist born in Tokyo in 1760 in the Edo period. In 1842, when ...
Saigoku 33 Kannon

Rokkakudo (Choho-ji Temple) in Kyoto Prefecture Price Shotoku established

The main hall of Choho-ji Temple has a hexagonal shape and is called "Rokkakudo", Hexagonal Hall. Choho-ji Temple is the...
Saigoku 33 Kannon

Rokuhara-mitsu-ji Temple in Kyoto Prefecture

Rokuhara-mitsu-ji Temple was established in 951 by Kuya Shonin who was a prince of the 60th Emperor Daigo. This temple i...
World Heritages in Japan

The Rock Garden : Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto Prefecture

Ryoan-ji Temple is one of the most famous temple in Japan. In 1975, when Elizabeth the 2nd visited Japan officially, she...