Hokokuji Temple in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture

Kamakura 33 Kannon

Hokokuji Temple in Kamakura was founded by Tengan Eko in 1334, who was a highest level priest and studied under Mugaku Sogen came from China and who was the founder of Engakuji Temple in Kamakura. Tengan Eko was a representative of the Zen literary movement known as Gozan Bungaku.

This temple is famous for its Moso bamboo gardens and is sometimes called the bamboo temple. This temple also is one temple of Kamakura 33 Kannon temples.

When I visited this temple, I thought the dry landscape garden was so beautiful as shown in the photo same level as its bamboo trees garden.

Dry landscape gardens are called “Kare-sansui” in Japanese which are gardens in which natural landscapes are reproduced by representing water with rocks or sand. White sand expresses water while stones represent islands. “Dry garden” means a garden without water, only with rocks and sand. “Kare-sansui” is common at Zen temples.

Kamakura is very famous city since there are many old temples founded in Kamakura period from 1185 until 1333.

When you come to Japan, Kamakura is a choice of places you should visit.


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