In Japan, thirty three temples for pilgrimage in the western region is called the Saigoku Sanjusankasho, thirty three temples for pilgrimage in the Kanto region is called the Bando Sanjusankasho and thirty four temples for pilgrimage in the Chichibu area is called the Chichibu Sanjuyonkasho. Those in total are called the hundred Kannon Temples after the deity of mercy.
In my previous blog, I introduced Zenkoji Temple. Japanese people who completed pilgrimage of thirty three or thirty four temples in each region usually visit Zenkoji Temple to thank deity for safe pilgrimage completion. People say that Zenkoji Temple brings benefit of life after death.
People also say that Kitamukai Kannon brings benefit of current life. Therefore, to visit only Zenkoji Temple after pilgrimage completion is not enough and people should visit both Zenkoji Temple and Kitamukai Kannon.
Kitamukai Kannon and Jorakuji Temple was opened by Ennin, Jikaku Daishi, in 825. Kitamunai means facing to the north direction as the hall is facing to the north direction. It is said that Kannon promised that we will salvage people who depend on us as the Big Dipper in the north sky is people’s spiritual home. This is why the hall is facing to the north direction and called Kitamukai Kannon.
If you have a chance to visit Nagano Prefecture, I recommend you to visit Kitamukai Kannon in Ueda City as well.
