Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine in Wakayama Prefecture

World Heritages in Japan

There are three shrines in Kumano area, Kumano Hongu Taisha Shrine, Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine and Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine.

Kumano area is a power spot.

In my previous blog titled “Gotobiki Stone in Kamikura Shrine in Wakayama Prefecture”, I wrote that according to the old book called “Kumano-Gongen Suizyaku Engi” and other old books, deities in Kumano came down to the Gotobiki Stone in Mt. Kamikura. Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine is the first shrine of those three shrines which deities in Kumano moved from Mt. Kamikura. Also, according to the another old book called “Nihonshoki”, it says the first generation, Emperor Jinmu climbed up Mt. Kamikura and were given a holy sword from a god, Takakuraji-no-mikoto and guided by Yatagarasu, a mythical raven which was a three legged crow inhabiting the sun in Chinese mythology, to Yamato Province from which is the place he governed Japan.

As mentioned above, Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine was the first shrine which deities in Kumano moved from Mt. Kamikura and it is also called “Shingu” (Newly Constructed Shrine) and worships 12 deities. From the past, people who visit Kumano three shrines receive a lucky charm of leaf of podocarpus nagi which is an evergreen tree and is the sacred tree of Kumano to make a pilgrimage to Kumano safely and also receive a good luck charm of Kumano Goo as an old tradition.

You can feel those deities in Kumano and that is why here is a power spot.




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