Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine and Nachi Falls

World Heritages in Japan

People say there are 48 Nachi falls in the mountains and the highest fall is Nachi Ontaki. It is also called the 1st Nachi Fall with its height, 133m, its width, 13m. Water of 1 ton is falling down every second and the depth of the basin of the fall is more than 10m.

In the downstream of the fall, there is another fall called Mongaku-no-Taki which is famous as ritual acts performed under the waterfall.

Water is mother of life and basis of religious faith of Mt.Nachi. From the past,  many practitioners and people visited the Nachi fall to pray for longevity. Water from the Nachi fall is venerated for the worship of longevity.

You can be closer to the fall with some fee and can drink water from the basin of the fall considered as water for longevity.


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