Oomidoji Temple : Noma Daibou in Aichi Prefecture

Temples in Aichi, Japan

Oomidoji Temple in Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, was established in the period of Emperor Tenmu from 673 to 686. Gyoki Bosatsu developed this temple in the period of Emperor Shomu from 723 to 749. Later, Kobo-daishi who was the founder of the Shingon sect visited this temple during his travel over the provinces on foot and made a thousand fire-offerings for people’s happiness.

In the period of Emperor Shirakawa from 1077 to 1081, This temple was certified as a temple built at the order of the emperor and named as Oomidoji Temple.

The photo shows the tomb of Yoshitomo Minamoto who is father of Yoritomo Minamoto who established his Shogunate at Kamakura and father of Yoshitsune Minamoto who defeated the Taira family.

In 1660, Yoshitomo Minamoto lost the battle with Kiyomori Taira in the Heiji Rebellion and visited this area, Noma, on the way back to his home, Kamakura, because there was a house of his retainer, Tadamune Osada and his son, Kagemune Osada in Noma.

However, Tadamune and Kagemune Osada attempted an act of betrayal. In the morning of one day, they recommended Yoshiomo to have a morning bath and Tadamune and Kagemune stabbed Yoshitomo taking a bath with their swords. Yoshitomo was an expert in the use of arms, but he said, “Zounds! If I had even a wooden sword in my hands, I never been killed like this without pity!” and was dead.

Since then, people offer wooden swords on this tomb instead of flowers to pray for the repose of Yoshimoto’s soul.

Someday, people write their wish on the wooden swords and pile them up on the tomb considering Yoshimoto Minamoto is a military commander who make people’s wishes come true.


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