Saigoku 33 Kannon

Rokkakudo (Choho-ji Temple) in Kyoto Prefecture Price Shotoku established

The main hall of Choho-ji Temple has a hexagonal shape and is called "Rokkakudo", Hexagonal Hall. Choho-ji Temple is the...
Saigoku 33 Kannon

Rokuhara-mitsu-ji Temple in Kyoto Prefecture

Rokuhara-mitsu-ji Temple was established in 951 by Kuya Shonin who was a prince of the 60th Emperor Daigo. This temple i...
World Heritages in Japan

The Rock Garden : Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto Prefecture

Ryoan-ji Temple is one of the most famous temple in Japan. In 1975, when Elizabeth the 2nd visited Japan officially, she...
Japan National Herritages

Kongoho-ji Temple (Kimiidera Temple) in Wakayama Prefecture

Kongoho-ji Temple is the 2nd temple of Saigoku 33 Kannon. Name of Kimiidera Temple is more famous name than Kongoho-ji T...
Japanese Temples

Nichiryubu-ji Temple (Takazawa Kannon), the Oldest Temple in Gifu Prefecture

Nichiryubu-ji Temple is the oldest temple in Gifu Prefecture. People affectionately call it Takazawa Kannon. Map of Nic...
Japanese Temples

Hyakusai-ji Temple (One of Koto Sanzan) in Shiga Prefecture

Hyakusai-ji Temple was established in 606, the Asuka period, by the order of Prince Shotoku. Some roofing tiles having ...
Japan National Treasures

Saimyo-ji Temple (One of Koto Sanzan) in Shiga Prefecture

Sorry for taking so long to update my blog and thank you for visiting. Saimyo-ji Temple was established in 834, the Hei...
Japan National Treasures

Kongorin-ji Temple (One of Koto Sanzan) in Shiga Prefecture

Sorry to take so long to update my blog and thank you for visiting. Kongorin-ji Temple was established in 741, the Nara...
Japanese Temples

Shiga Prefecture and Kotou Sanzan (3 Temples in East Lake Biwa)

Shiga Prefecture is my home town located prefecture. Shiga Prefecture is located almost center of Japan. It has the b...
Japan National Treasures

Shiramizu Amida-do Hall in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture

Shiramizu Amida-do Hall was built in 1160, ending of the Heian Period, by Tokuhime who was a daughter of Kiyohira Fuji...