Before you reach the Main Gate, you can find the main hall of Risshaku-ji Temple as shown in the main photo on the left side. Then, you climb up the mountain after you pass the main gate with more than 800 stone stairs.
On the way to the top, you can find Semi Zuka on the left side before you reach Deva Gate. After you reach the top, you can enjoy a beautiful scene from the top of the mountain.

Scene from the Top
In the photo, you can find the building with red colored wall which is called Nokyo-do, the library of the Buddhist sutras. This building is the oldest one in Risshaku-ji Temple. Copied Lotus Satra took four years is stored in Nokyo-do.
There is another building next to Nokyo-do, which is called Kaizando, the hall commemorating of Jikaku Daishi who was the founder of the temple. Under the cliff Kaizando located, there is a natural cave and the golden coffin in it with body of Jikaku Daishi buried. There is a wooden statue of Jikaku Daishi in Kaizando and food and incense are offered in the morning and in the evening every day.

After you reach the top, there is a building at the final approach called Okuno-in which is the inner sanctuary. In this building, there are two Buddhist statues. One is Gautama Buddha which Jikaku Daishi brought back from China, and the other one is Prabhutaratna Buddha.

Risshaku-ji Temple (Yamadera) is very quiet place and holy place looking at oneself.