Saimyo-ji Temple (One of Koto Sanzan) in Shiga Prefecture

Japan National Treasures

Sorry for taking so long to update my blog and thank you for visiting.

Saimyo-ji Temple was established in 834, the Heian period, by Sanshu by the order of the Emperor Nimmyou.

According to the temple legend, one day, Sanshu worshipped at near Akaike Pond in back of the main hall and haze rose up from the pond. Then, Bhaisajyaguru (buddha able to cure all ills) appeared from the pond with Nikko Bosatsu, Gakko Bosatsu and the twelve divine generals. Sanshu was deeply move by them and curved a standing tree to make a Bhaisajyaguru statue. He set it as the principal image of Buddha.

Throughout the Heian period to the Kamakura and Muromachi period, Saimyo-ji Temple flourished as a place to pray and/or a place to training. The temple became big scale with 17 halls and over 300 temple quarters. It is said that Yoritomo Minamoto visited Saimyo-ji Temple to pray for winning battles.

During the Age of Civil Wars, Nobunaga Oda attacked Saimyo-ji Temple with fire, but fortunately, the main hall, the three-storied pagoda and the Niten-mon Gate avoided misfortune.

The main hall and the three-storied pagoda were designated as a Japan National Treasure in 1952. The main hall was built by carpenters from Hida area in the Kamakura period based on a traditional Japanese architectural style not using any spikes. The roof of the main hall is a cypress bark roof. The building is Kamakura architectural style.

Saimyo-ji Temple Main Hall

Three-storied Pagoda

The height of the three-storied pagoda is 23.7m. As same as the main hall, The three-storied pagoda was also built by carpenters from Hida area in the Kamakura period based on a traditional Japanese architectural style not using any spikes. The roof is a cypress bark roof. Inside of the 1st story of the pagoda, there are wall paintings painted in the Kamakura period. It is said that those paintings in the Kamakura period only remains here in this temple in Japan. The wall paintings are illustration of the Lotus Sutra, Dainichi Buddha and 32 attendants, arabesque flower patterns etc. Those were painted with brilliant coloring by natural mineral pigments.

On the side of the entrance path to the temple, there are beautiful ground covered with moss and some trees.

Beautiful Ground covered with moss and trees

Every Koto Sanzan (the 3 temples in east of the Lake Biwa) have beautiful scene and I recommend you to visit.

湖東三山西明寺の公式ホームページ | 湖東三山のひとつ西明寺は、国宝の本堂や三重塔の建造物をはじめ、迫力の二大天王や十二神将といった重要文化財の数々があります。また紅葉と苔が美しい庭園が名所の西明寺は、西国薬師四十九霊場の第三十二番札所でもある。
湖東三山西明寺の公式ホームページ - 湖東三山のひとつ西明寺は、国宝の本堂や三重塔の建造物をはじめ、迫力の二大天王や十二神将といった重要文化財の数々があります。また紅葉と苔が美しい庭園が名所の西明寺は、西国薬師四十九霊場の第三十二番札所でもある。


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