Shiramizu Amida-do Hall in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture

Japan National Treasures

Amida-do Hall

Shiramizu Amida-do Hall was built in 1160, ending of the Heian Period, by Tokuhime who was a daughter of Kiyohira Fujiwara, the 1st generation of Oshu Fujiwara family. Tokuhime established Ganjo-ji Temple here to mourn for her husband, Norimichi Iwaki and built Amida-do Hall inside of Ganjo-ji Temple area.

Amida-do Hall was designated as a Japan National Treasure on March 29th, 1952. The hall itself is owned by Ganjo-ji Temple, but pond and almost all Pure Land area are managed by Iwaki City now. Inside of the hall, there is statue of Amida Nyorai in center and its attendant statues, Kannon Bosatsu and Seiji Bosatsu next to it. Besides them, there are statues of Jikokuten and Tamonten. 5 statues in total are located inside of the hall.

There are only 3 buildings in Tohoku area which was built in the Heian period. the first one  is Konjiki-do Hall, Golden Hall, at Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture,  the second one is Amida-do Hall at Kozo-ji Temple in Kakuda City, Miyagi Prefecture and the last one is Amida-do Hall at Ganjo-ji Temple.

Guide Map

Amida-do Hall is surrounded by pond on 3 sides, east, west and south. There is the approach from south to Amida-do Hall through Nakano-shima Island. Amida-do Hall is also surrounded by mountains in north, east and west. The area centering Amida-do Hall is Pure Land style which was popular in the Heian Period. This Pure Land shape seems Tokuhime to had brought here since she was a daughter of Kiyohira Fujiwara and affected by Motsu-ji Temple and Muryo Koin in Hiwaizumi, Iwate Prefecture.

If you write Shiramizu in Kanji characters, it seems coming from the Kanji character, izumi, of Hira-izumi. Also, Tokuhime’s husband was, as I mentioned above, Norimichi Iwaki and Iwaki family was living in a town called Taira. It seems the Kanji character, Taira, came from Hira-izumi’s “Hira”. See, this area was pretty much affected by Hira-izumi.

You can feel Heian Period here at Shiramizu Amida-do Hall and Ganjo-ji Temple.

Stone Monument at entrance

国宝 白水阿弥陀堂


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