The Sumida Hokusai Museum in Tokyo #1


Hokusai Katsushika (1760-1849) is an internationally renowned ukiyo-e artist. He was born in what is know Sumida Ward in Tokyo. It is said that during his lifetime until about 90 years old, he moved over 90 times, but mainly spent his time in Sumida Ward area where he created nearly all of his masterpieces. In Sumida Ward, there is a museum dedicated to Hokusai. It takes about 10 minutes on foot from Ryogoku Station of Sobu Line. There is a famous sumo wrestling arena in Ryogoku, called Ryogoku Kokugikan, right next to Ryogoku Station.

In my previous blog, I touched about another museum in Nagano Prefecture dedicated to Hokusai. Please visit those blog as well.

Hokusai Museum in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture - 1
Hokusai Katsushika who is a famous ukiyo-e artist left colored woodblock print works, art manuals and original drawings ...
Hokusai Museum in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture - 2
As I mentioned in my previous blog, a wealthy farmer and merchant in Obuse, Kozan Takai invited Hokusai Katsushika to Ob...

Reconstructed Susanoo Subduing Spirits of Disease

In the entrance of the permanent exhibitions hall, there is a big paint called Susanoo subduing spirits of disease. The paint was originally created by Hokusai, but unfortunately, it was destroyed by fire caused by Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923.

Photo of Original Susanoo Subduing Spirits of Disease in Ushijima Shrine

Fortunately, a black-and-white picture of original Susanoo subduing spirits of disease was left in Ushijima Shrine in Sumida Ward located 30 minutes walk from Sumida Hokusai Museum. The main enshrined deity of Ushijima Shrine is Susanoo-no-mikoto. For the opening ceremony of Sumida Hokusai Museum in November 2016, there was a big project to reconstruct Susanoo subduing spirits of disease in color. Toppan Inc. made a significant contribution to the reconstruction of the paint. By using cutting-edge digital technology of Toppan Inc., the colored paint was reproduced in the original size.

To be continued.

すみだ北斎美術館 - トップ


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