The Sumida Hokusai Museum in Tokyo #2


Ukiyo-e paints by Hokusai Katsushika gave big impact in Europe especially in France in the 19th century.

The Front Cover of the Full Score “La Mer (The Sea)” by Claude Debussy published in 1905

“Kanagawa Oki Nami Ura” by Hokusai had a great impact on Western artists such as Vincent Van Gogh, who saw it and later praised it in a letter to a fellow painter; and Claude Debussy, who got an idea and composed the symphonic poem “La Mer (The Sea)”.

Kanagawa Oki Nami Ura by Hokusai

In the middle of the 19th century, people in Europe were interested in Japanese Arts and Japanese Arts became very popular. This phenomenon was called “Japonism”. In the early 19th century, Japan exporting works of art were mainly earthenware and lacquer ware. Those were wrapped by cartoons made by Hokusai. It is said that in 1865, the French painter Bracquemond found those cartoons and showed them to his friends. The cartoons by Hokusai are called “Hokusai Manga”. “Hokusai Manga” had a great influence on the Impressionists in Europe.

In Europe, you may be able to find some works by Hokusai in these days. It may be printed on T-shirts.

To be continued.

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