Togakushi-jinja Shrine in Nagano Prefecture #4

Japanese Shrines

This is the final blog of Togakushi-jinja Shrine.

After you worship at Chu-sha Shrine and continue to climb up Mt. Togakushi, you reach the entrance of Oku-sha Shrine.

The Entrance of Oku-sha Shrine

You go further into the precincts of Oku-sha Shrine and you will see the torii gate of Oku-sha Shrine.

The Torii Gate of Oku-sha Shrine

Next, you will see the zuijin gate.

The Zuijin Gate

Zuijin refers to the statues which are dressed in zuijin’s clothes and enshrined on the left and right sides of the zuijin gate. Unfortunately, there is no zuijin guardian in the gate.

After you passed the zuijin gate, you pass through the tunnel of tall cedar trees. Their ages are over 400 years.

The Tunnel of Cedar Trees

After you passed the avenue of cedar trees, you finally see the main hall of Oku-sha Shrine over the torii gate.

The Main Hall of Oku-sha Shrine

Oku-sha Shrine is the main shrine of Togakushi-jinja Shrine which enshrines Ame-no-tachikara-no-mikoto (the god of strength). Oku-sha Shrine was established in 210 B.C.. As I mentioned in my 1st blog of Togakushi-jinja Shrine, in the age of gods in Japan, Amaterasu Oomikami (Sun Goddess) hid herself in Ama no iwato (the cave of heaven) because her younger brother Susanoo became wild and violent at Takamanohara. This made the world be dark and in utter chaos. God were in trouble and held a festival with singing and dancing to let her out of Ama no iwato.

Amaterasu heard uproar from outside and was wondering what was going on in the outside. She opened Ama no iwato a little and then, Ame-no-tachikarao-no-mikoto (the god of strength) opened Ama no iwato fully and welcomed her.

Based on this mythology, Ame-no-tachikarao-no-mikoto has been prayed to as a deity to whom people pray for better fortune, realization of one’s earnest wishes, huge harvest of the five grains and victory of sports and martial arts. You may find the name of Ame-no-tachikarao-no-mikoto during a dohyo ceremony to purify the sumo ring before the start of a sumo tournament because he is a deity for victory.

Next to the main hall of Oku-sha Shrine, you will find the main hall of Kuzuryu-sha Shrine.

The Main Hall of Kuzuryu-sha Shrine

Kuzuryu-sha Shrine enshrines Kuzuryu-no-ookami (the god associated with the local area, the god of water and good harvest). He was enshrined as the deity associated with the local area. He was here before Ame-no-tachikarao-no-mikoto came and Kuzuryu-no-ookami welcomed Ame-no-tachikara-no-mikoto to Mt. Togakushi.

It may take 4 ~ 5 hours on foot to visit those 5 shrines. You can start from whichever the shrine. Normally from Oku-sha Shrine to Houko-sha Shrine, down slope, or Houko-sha Shrine to Oku-sha Shrine, up slope.

Mt. Togakushi is a power spot and you may get good fortune if you visit all 5 shrines. Please try it.

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霊山・戸隠山の麓を中心に創建された二千年余りに及ぶ歴史を刻む神社。 奥社・中社・宝光社・九頭龍社・火之御子社の五社から成り立っています。



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